Maximize your earnings with our higher certificate savings (CD) account rates
Lock in a guaranteed rate on your savings for a fixed amount of time ranging from three months to five years.
Click to View Certificate Account Rates
Have questions about MyPoint Credit Union’s CD accounts?
Call us at 1-888-495-3400 or make an appointment at one of our San Diego locations to learn more about our credit union's CD rates.
Rates effective
*Annual Percentage Yield
**Total subsequent deposits are limited to $25,000 over the term of the certificate.
***LIQUID has penalty-free withdrawals (up to 6 per month) and deposits and no maximum balance.
Annual Percentage Yields are anticipated rates and are accurate as of . Fees could reduce earnings on accounts. See our Membership Account Agreement and Disclosure for more information. All dividend rates are subject to change at any time. Penalties may be imposed for early withdrawal of term deposits (e.g., certificates).